Brian, a friend I made while attending Wood Badge in 2014 (go Eagles!), and I investigate the “quiet zone” area of the Turtle Flambeau Flowage in Northern WI. Our trip started and ended at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation in Pearson, WI during Week 1 of summer camp. My son’s troop goes during this time & I volunteered to be a driver both directions. Brian and I spent the week paddling, fishing, and practicing camp crafts before returning to camp for the OA campfire on Friday night.
We decided to up the ante a little for this trip – we’re bringing a sack of potatoes, crisco, fish breading, and about half as many dinners as we anticipate needing. The other dinners we will need to catch fish if we want to eat anything other than a potato or two.
Monday, June 22
Tuesday, June 23
Wednesday, June 24
Thursday, June 25
Friday, June 26